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Meaningful Marriage: Why Get Married?


MONDAYS, 8:00 PM - $220 PER 10 SESSIONs ($100 for new students!)

Ask a person what they are looking for in a mate and they will give you a checklist: looks, wit, kindness, confidence, a good upbringing, etc. When it comes to the body of love and marriage, we know exactly what we want. But what about the soul of love and marriage? Why bother getting married altogether?

A clue to the answer is in the Torah. The common Hebrew word for marriage is nisu’im', however the literal translation is actually “to carry.” In the Torah, it says of our forefather Isaac on Rebecca that “he took her, he married her, he loved her.” “To take” is taking responsibility for your spouse, which is necessary for marriage and the byproduct is love.

In this series of classes, we will learn what is needed for a marriage to be everlasting, and how to sustain a marriage. This class is for anyone looking for a spouse, on the way to the alter or already married. The following subjects will be covered:

  1. What is the difference between male and female?

  2. What experiences in our lives impact the way we see marriage?

  3. Love - What does it mean? Do I believe in love?

  4. How do we know if we are ready for marriage?

  5. 3 Step Formula to get ready for marriage

  6. What do we expect from our partner?

  7. Soul-mate: How do we see the connection between soul and mate?

  8. Steps to the Chuppah: what does it mean to go under the Chuppah?

  9. What not to do in marriage

  10. The foundation for a good marriage

Earlier Event: July 10
Love & Relationships + Parenting
Later Event: January 22
Weekly Tune-up